
Keep your voice down for today’s puzzle!

SUNDAY PUZZLE — Hey all! I’m super glad to be back publishing to wrap up our summer puzzles! The games section has some exciting things lined up for this fall, so keep your eyes peeled! This grid has been sitting on my desktop for quite some time, so I’m excited to dust it off and have it see the light of day! If you have any comments regarding the puzzle or spot an error, you can reach me at vschmitt@umich.edu. For general questions and concerns, reach out to crosswords@umich.edu. Happy solving!

Tricky Clues:

21A. The clue, “”Succession”, e.g.” refers to DRAMA, as in a TV DRAMA. I very much miss Succession and still cannot believe how good its last season was. #Greg4life

53A. “Linus’ sister” is LUCY Van Pelt, the blue-dressed girl from Charles Schulz’s Peanuts. This clue could’ve been any number of Lucies but, to be honest, Peanuts characters resonate with me the most.

45A. “Gen-Z interjection” is OPE. Not actually sure there is a definition for this, hence why I went with a vague ‘interjection’ to describe the word. I believe we had a thorough conversation about whether it is a valid entry, but it ended up being too good to pass up.

61A. The clue “Michigan has some great ones” is LAKES. I hope many of you had fun at the great lakes this summer, lake Michigan is my lake of choice.

4D. The clue “Time for a check-in?” refers to PAY DAY, the time when you literally get a check ‘in’. For newer solvers, the question mark on this one signals that some sort of wordplay is happening.

24D. Quentin TARANTINO “cameos as Mr. Brown in his movie “Reservoir Dogs””. As far as I’m aware, he has some sort of cameo in every movie he’s made, but this one has to be my favorite.

35D. “Oft mispronounced file type” is GIF. But really, is it pronounced GIF or GIF? If it’s pronounced GIF then wouldn’t gift sound like jift? And if it’s pronounced GIF then would jiffy sound like giffy?! Lots to think about… lots to think about indeed…

Today’s Theme:

A straightforward theme today. You may have noticed there is no revealer in this grid; all 3 theme entries are idiomatic synonyms of “be quiet!”. But wait, there’s more! Each entry is clued as a punny alternative description: 17A’s SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE is clued as “We’re not making vented tarts!”, 37A’s PUT A LID ON IT is clued as “Top that tupperware!”, and finally, 62A’s PIPE DOWN WILL YOU is clued as “Go easy on the hookah!”.

Answer Key:

The post Quiet! appeared first on The Michigan Daily.


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